

Morning again – a poem by Jack Ridl

October morning in Ecussols, Burgundy. Photograph: Norbert Kraas

October morning in Ecussols, Burgundy. Photograph: Norbert Kraas

Morning Again

This poem will not be
anything new, will slowly
make its way across
the page and down, a walk
from here to somewhere
later on, will take its place
quietly, I hope, with the leaves,
the dog asleep on the porch,
the way the garden keeps giving
us plants, the way the wind
is invisible, the way none of us
can ever know for sure.

Jack Ridl

For more poems of Jack, visit his website which you can also subscribe to. His books you will find at Wayne State University Press and in any decent bookstore in your town. Jack’s new book “Saint Peter and the Goldfinch” will come out in April 2019.

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